Colette is dedicated to practising and teaching  Embodied Resilience and Somatic Yoga


Hi, I’m Colette owner of Yoga House Oz located at Peregian Springs on the Sunshine Coast.

My first experience of yoga was when I attended a beginner’s class over 30 years ago.  Yoga immediately resonated with me.  I went on to train as a Hatha Yoga Teacher in Adelaide then  attended training in Europe to become A Senior Dynamic Yoga Teacher (Somatic Yoga)  and Embodied Resilience Presenter.

After my Hatha Yoga training I felt there was still something missing in my teaching and yoga practice. In 2010 I moved to the Channel Islands.   It was there I was introduced to Dynamic Yoga (Somatic Yoga) and then Embodied Resilience training.   I felt immediately that I had found that missing element.  I began to incorporate these new trainings first into my personal practice and then my teaching.

After hundreds of hours  training with Yoga Adepts Godfri Devereux and Olivia Crooks I became a Certified Dynamic Yoga Teacher and Embodied Resilience Presenter.  I am one of  around a dozen Teachers world wide to have reached Senior Teacher status in Dynamic Yoga (now refined to Somatic Yoga – a more gentle approach).   I’m so pleased to be the first  Embodied Resilience Presenter in Australia, one of only 20 worldwide.

These practices resonated deeply within me and the wonderful thing is they can be taught simultaneously to beginners and experienced practitioners alike.

The experience I’ve enjoyed whilst practicing both Somatic Yoga and Embodied Resilience has been life changing for me, especially the letting go of the idea about what I should be doing in postures to simply allowing myself to feel deeply the sensations being generated in my body as I practice.  There is no better gift I could give myself or my students – this emphasis on feeling rather than struggling through postures.